Mass effect 3 how to start citadel dlc
Mass effect 3 how to start citadel dlc

“Lair of the Shadow Broker” is a series of quests involving ex-squadmate Liara T’Soni, and can be accessed as soon as you meet her for the first time on the planet Illium.

mass effect 3 how to start citadel dlc

These story missions were made available months after the game launched, and while you can play them whenever you want, to get the most content and dialogue out of them, it’s best if they’re played in the post-game after the final mission. Things like “Lair of the Shadow Broker” are made available to you about a third of the way through after the mission Horizon. It’s with Mass Effect 2 where things get messy. It’s available as soon as you reach the point where you can freely travel across the Milky Way, and it’s got nothing to do with anything that happens in the plot, so it doesn’t step on the toes of anything Mass Effect has going on. As it only contains “Bring Down the Sky,” which is already greatly divorced from the main story of Commander Shepard chasing down Saren. The first game is the least affected by this. However, I’m worried for new players, as the way Legendary Edition integrates all of these feels like it’s setting up those without previous knowledge to stumble into things when they don’t make sense in the grander narrative of each game. So I’m excited for those who never played things like Mass Effect 2’s “Lair of the Shadow Broker” and Mass Effect 3’s “Leviathan” to have all these story segments naturally added into the main game. This extends from cosmetics like armor sets to story content that provides crucial storytelling and worldbuilding for characters and events across all three games. This is good because one might (correctly) argue the DLC is essential to the three games. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition contains almost all the original trilogy’s downloadable content.

Mass effect 3 how to start citadel dlc